Get In Touch

+268 7834 1973
+268 7934 1973

Dr Sishayi Road, Mbabane,
Hhohho H100, Eswatini

Frequently Asked Question!

Fresh-plug works at the convenience of our network of drivers. This has narrowed our deliveries to be made 3 times in a week. Monday, Wednesday and Saturday. Days not mentioned will be strictly reserved for orders. 

Customers are entitled to making as little as one product order as transport is standardized to E 30.00 crate orders. We do advise on use of as much space as possible, as E30.00 can go a long way.

The return of goods is heavly reliant on inspection upon delivery thus we take on-site criticism as we wouldn’t want to provide customers with unsatisfactory products, if upon inspection client is not satisfied with the produce they may reject the delivery. This process streamlines the refund protocols to make matters simple and prevent a clog up in the system.

Electronic transfer refunds will be completed within 48 hours of order rejection along with 2/3 of your transport payment E20.00. Cash payments are accepted and upon order rejection instant payback will be made along with the 2/3 of transport fee.     

The crates system explained


Simplyfing your orders, starting at just E30.00 per order. This is the right way to do shopping

Crates are well ventilated and waterproof making it easier to wash on the go which helps keep our products clean as we intend on keeping your shopping safe too.

We encourage our customers to make a variety of orders in terms of produce to fill up the storage to allow for maximum efficiency, not only in terms of time but also in economic and environmental terms, thus saving money on fuel and lowering the costs even further.

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